
Have you ever heard that word before? It sort of rolls off my tongue...It flows and it makes me smile.
I like to say it out loud.
Go ahead, try it! What do you think of?
Noodle...? Nod...?
Hmm...interesting. I like those words too.
Noodles are my favorite...especially rice noodles mmm... I love food as you will soon discover.
Nod as in showing agreement, excitement and interest. This is exactly what I hope to elicit as I share with you my thoughts and perceptions.
There is also nod as in nodding off to sleep. Hopefully not as much of that will be going on while you are here... Although I can't blame you if it does. Sometimes I do tend to ramble a bit...but I digress ;)
To be precise, noddle technically means:
Noddle1.noun- an informal British expression for head or mind; "use your noddle"
mind, psyche, nous, brain, head - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head"
I like to think of noddle as a combination of all these ideas and meanings. In short, to me noddle means "food for thought." And that is what I would like to share with you as we spend time together.
So I invite you to relax, keep an open and interested mind and read on through my noddlings... Ü

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

up late

So why do I do it? I love sleep so much and yet when it comes right down to it I would rather do almost anything but go to bed at night. I spend time chatting with friends, catching up on email, cleaning, blogging, reading, anything but going to bed! And then I finally do and wonder why I have a hard time getting up in the morning...the vicious cycle I find myself in. My personal paradox. No matter how hard I try I just can't break it. Sigh... I guess I'll keep noddling on that one...